Indulge in the vibrant flavours of this exquisite vegan paella recipe that celebrates the bountiful goodness of nature.
Bursting with the vibrant colours of bell peppers, the earthy essence of mushrooms, the satisfying crunch of broccoli, and the aromatic blend of onion and garlic, this dish is a harmonious medley of flavours and textures. Enhanced by the richness of diced tomatoes, tofu, and a flavourful vegan stock, the Happy Orchard Vegan Paella offers a culinary adventure unlike any other.
To prepare this delightful dish, begin by heating a generous amount of olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Sauté finely chopped onions and minced garlic until they release their fragrant aroma. Next, add sliced red peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli florets, stirring occasionally until they become tender. Incorporate the chopped tomatoes and crumbled tofu, allowing the flavors to blend together.
Finally, pour in the vegan stock and simmer until the rice absorbs the liquid and becomes tender. Serve this mouthwatering creation with a sprinkle of fresh herbs to elevate your vegan dining experience.

Onion & Garlic

Choppped Tomatoes



Red Peppers


Asparagus Tips
To make it easier for you, we´ve made a Vegan Paella Video Recipe. You can also watch other videos at our Youtube channel:
Vegan Paella Recipe
- Paella Rice (300 grs)
- Red Peppers
- Onion & Garlic
- Chopped Tomatoes
- Broccoli (a few florets)
- Mushrooms
- Tofu
- Asparagus
- Vegan Stock 1 L
- Add Red Peppers
- Add Mushrooms & Broccoli
- Add Onion & Garlic
- Add Chopped Tomatoes
- Add Paprika
- Add Paella Mix
- Add Tofu
- Add Rice
- Add Vegan Stock
- Enjoy!
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